



★邱韻如(2021):玻璃與17世紀科學的發展,《科學月刊》,52卷第4期(NO.616),p 18-21,2021年4月。




★Chiu, Yun-Ju and Chen,Feng-Yi(2014). The Misconceptions of Vision and Representation of Light Rays in the Chinese Book Entitled On the Telescope, the International Conference on the History of Physics, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK. 4-5 September 2014.

★邱韻如(2014):穿越時空看你的閃亮芒~克卜勒超新星,刊登於《物理學雙月刊》,36卷第2期 ,p142-146,2014年4月號。




★邱韻如(2012) :克卜勒的行星欏圓軌道有多橢?刊登於《科學月刊》,43卷7期,p492~493,2012年7月。



★Chiu,Yun-Ju. (2011). Design and Practice of Learning Activities on the Conception of Shadow Formation. Paper presented at the 7th joint meeting of Chinese physicists worldwide (OCPA7)-International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics.Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 1-5, 2011.

★Chiu,Yun-Ju. (2011).The Strategy of Cognitive Conflict in the Learning Cycle Approach: Design and Practice of Learning Activities on the Conception of Shadow Formation. Paper presented at the 59th National Conference on Science Education of National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), San Francisco, CA: March 9–12, 2011




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